Choose the Right PPADB Codes

A ppadb code is the key to doing business with the government of Botswana. Know the types ppadb codes for and position your business for tender contracts.
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PPADB codes are the key to doing business with the government of Botswana. Every year the government announces the budget for the following financial year. In the most recent budget speech, the expenditure for 2022/2023 is estimated to be P 69.79 billion.

In the PPADB registration process, you need to choose the ppadb codes your company wants to tender for with the government of Botswana. In this article, I am going to show you the different types of ppadb codes and how they are classified.

Register for PPADB

What is PPADB?


The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB) is a parastatal that regulates the government's public procurement process in Botswana. PPADB is an institution under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MFED) and plays an important role in the central government procurement process including adjudication and awarding tenders to suitable vendors.

For a company to do business with the government, they need to register with PPADB using a PPADB code.

What are PPADB Codes?


The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board uses codes to identify or categorize services or products. When applying for a code there is a set breakdown of the appropriate industry and services your business offers. These codes will determine the kind of government tender contract(s) your business is eligible to bid for.

Types of PPADB Codes


There are as many ppadb codes as there are industries and types of businesses. To make it easy to understand the PPDAB code registration process they are set in the following categories:

  1. Service providers
  2. Suppliers
  3. Consultants
  4. Works contractors

Download Free PPADB Codes

How to Register for PPADB


The best way to get the through the PPAB registration process is to work with a business consulting agency or a certified company secretary. The PPADB registration process follows these simple steps:

  1. Choose the code category or Categories
  2. Pick form the listed PPADB Codes
  3. Check the minimum requirements for the codes you want
  4. Apply for the desired codes
  5. Wait for approval form the PPADB institution

Do you need help with registering for PPADB? We have registered numerous companies in Botswana and helped them do business with local government. Contact or email us.

Register for PPADB

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Tumisang Bogwasi
Tumisang Bogwasi

2X Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Empowering Brands to Generate Leads, Grow Revenue with Business Strategy and Digital Marketing | Founder, CEO of Fine Group